Apium prostratum, commonly known as native sea parsley or sea celery is a humble bush tucker plant ...

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Prostanthera incisa is commonly named as the cut-leaf mint bush, referring to its slightly scalloped to pointed ...

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Cymbopogon ambiguus is more commonly known as Australian lemon-scented grass and is our own native lemongrass. Lemongrass ...

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Basil is actually not a basil at all, it’s in the mint family. Commonly named Five Spice ...

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Sea purslane is a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids that is generally used as a spinach ...

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Bloodroot earned its name from the colour liquid that leaks when the root of the bulb is ...

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Having the ability to embellish gardens with enchantingly fluffy pops of silvery flushes using its chrome-like foliage, ...

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Sea celery is a capable coastal species that is commonly used as a native herb or vegetable ...

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Bulbine bulbosa is one of our more unique bush tucker plants. It is a clumping perennial that ...

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Strawberry gum or forestberry is a bush tucker gem valued for its intensely aromatic, berry-scented and flavoured ...

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Murnong or yam daisy forms a part of the Microseris genus which has long been considered one ...

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