An esteemed bush tucker and one of my favourite garden ornamentals in the Myrtaceae family, Syzygium oleosum ...

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Native Australian wisteria is a beautiful ornamental climber with twining vines and unusually enticing flowers. It has ...

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Creeping thyme is a broad collection of species including wild thyme which typically flower at the beginning ...

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Prostanthera incisa is commonly named as the cut-leaf mint bush, referring to its slightly scalloped to pointed ...

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Cymbopogon ambiguus is more commonly known as Australian lemon-scented grass and is our own native lemongrass. Lemongrass ...

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Basil is actually not a basil at all, it’s in the mint family. Commonly named Five Spice ...

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There are ten Diploglottis species worldwide, but Diploglottis australis is the only Australian native tamarind. Though accepted ...

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Out of more than one hundred flowering species of Curcuma (turmeric), Curcuma australasica is the only native ...

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Sea purslane is a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids that is generally used as a spinach ...

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Eucalyptus racemosa often gets mistaken for the better-known Eucalyptus haemastoma, because of their distinctive scribble pattern, which ...

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Red stringybark isn’t commonly grown in gardens due to its stature, but the peeling bark is striking ...

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One of my all-time favourite Eucalyptus species is Eucalyptus punctata. Its bark inevitably flakes off into camouflaged ...

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