To say that I love mint would be an understatement. It’s a plant I really couldn’t live ...

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The Swan River Daisy is an adaptable and easy to grow annual. It is a low maintenance ...

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Dichondra was once considered a weed, but in contemporary gardens is used as a flowering alternative to ...

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While hellebores grow best in southern parts of Australia, it is possible, with enough shade and irrigation, ...

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Clover varieties are named after the colour of their blooms, such as red clover (Trifolium pratense) and ...

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Turf, otherwise called grass, traditionally requires plenty of light for optimal growing conditions like these types of ...

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Of all the fragrant plants that we can grow in our gardens, lavender is a popular choice. ...

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Formerly known as Helichrysum, Bracteantha bracteata belongs to the Asteraceae family and are affectionately known as paper ...

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What’s not to like about shade plants? Those dimly lit areas of our gardens, that rarely see ...

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Grey and silver leaf plants add an extra dimension to any garden. They work well as complementary ...

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Chia seeds are one of the newer diet supplements to enter the food market. We seem to ...

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