Eucalyptus gunnii is one of the most iconic landscape trees in the world. Horizon-breaking silver bark, paired ...

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The Kurrajong tree being native to Australia, is often seen planted as a street tree. I marvel ...

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Christmas wouldn't be Christmas without a decorated tree covered in twinkling lights and sparkling baubles. In many ...

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Thanks to its reliable late-winter flowering, and spectacular blooms, the saucer magnolia (Magnolia x soulangeana) is one ...

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The first seeds of miracle fruit arrived in Australia in 1978. I love how appropriate the name ...

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There are over 250 known species in the genus Camellia, but the one most people think of ...

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Often known as the ‘king of fruits’, lychees date back to 1700 BC and originated from South ...

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I believe that the Queensland Bottle Tree is one of the most iconic and unique-looking Australian trees, ...

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Money trees are an excellent option if you’re looking to add some indoor foliage. This broad-leaf evergreen ...

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Thinking about a mulberry tree might bring up a familiar childhood rhyme, or perhaps a box of ...

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