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How to Get Rid of Flies Outside

Written by: Gary Clarke
Published onOctober 25, 2022
Updated onSeptember 20, 2024

Looking for ways on how to get rid of flies? Being a plant parent can be challenging as you have to follow a definite routine to keep your plants healthy. Along with keeping up with the schedule, you need to make sure your plants' health is not getting affected by external threats.

Flies can cause harm to plants as they carry harmful bacteria and viruses that further degrade plants' health. They also spread diseases like typhoid, cholera, dysentery, tuberculosis and many other allergies by contaminating your food and drink which is why it is important to get rid of flies. 


How to Get Rid of Flies Without Affecting Your Plants

How to Get Rid of Flies

Active use of pesticides and other chemicals can be effective in keeping the flies away but they will also affect the plants' health along the way. This blog will detail effective ways which you can follow to get rid of these flies for good without affecting the plant's health.

Make Use of Lint Rollers

Lint rollers have proven quite effective in the removal of fungus from plants. They are easy to use and also available at an affordable price. If a large portion of your garden is infested with flies or fungus then you can also make use of these rollers to get rid of the flies.

In case of fly infestation, you would be required to make use of a new sheet after disinfection of each plant. This roller works by collecting the fungus gnats, flies and their offspring from the leaves before you plan on decomposing them.

In times of doubt go through the relevant videos showcasing the use of lint rollers to have a better understanding. Be careful not to harm the plants in the process of removing flies.

Shelter the Soil with the Use of Sand

Flies easily get attracted towards moisture and decaying materials like compost. So, one way of deterring the flies is to reduce moisture content in the soil. This can be accomplished by creating a strong blockage between the flies and the houseplants or otherwise by drying out the soil.

These two processes can prove beneficial in preventing the infestation of flies. But if the infestation had already taken place, then you can further manage that by covering the soil with the necessary amount of sand. This will also prevent the gnats from laying any more eggs and destroy the existing ones.

Make your own compost and prevent having flies by using a compost bin. Learn more about the different types of compost bins and their benefits by reading our complete buying guide

Adding Powdered Cinnamon to the Soil

Adding Powdered Cinnamon to the Soil Helps Get Rid of Flies

And here you thought cinnamon only adds spice to your cooking, well, it does more than that. In the case of plants, it acts as a natural fungicide that can effectively remove germs and larvae as well.

You don't even need to go through much hassle for its application. All you have to do is to sprinkle some powdered cinnamon on the top layer of the plants.

They function by making the soil unfit by effectively killing the fungus spores and making the soil unsuitable for the fungus and germs. This will work wonderfully by deterring all the unwanted fungi and germs in addition to taking care of plants’ health.

Get Rid of Flies Using Hydrogen Peroxide

Yes, you read it right, peroxide spray can do wonders in keeping flies away as well as prevent infestation. You don't need to purchase this. Instead, make it at home customizing it with necessary ingredients that you find useful.

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For making a go-to peroxide spray you just need to buy the peroxide and then mix it with water. Do not mix the whole amount at once instead mix one tablespoon of peroxide with a considerable amount of water. Then shake the bottle properly to ensure that they get mixed perfectly. Once the mixture is done then spray it on the plants once a week.

This solution is effective in killing larvae and other insects that are a threat to plants' bodies. It will give you positive results within two weeks and can get rid of the gnats without affecting plants' health.

Use Orange Peels in Your Garden

Using Orange Peels to Repel Flies

You can make use of orange peels to make an insect-repellent spray that will effectively address the infestation of flies. To prepare the spray, all you need is two oranges, a pan, dish soap, water and a spray bottle. 

To begin with, mix the peel of those two oranges with two cups of water and some dish soap. After mixing them properly, place them in a pan or you can directly mix all of them in a pan too. Once you put the mixture in a pan then let it boil properly.

Check with the boiling part and turn off the heat once it is done. Let it cool down properly and settle on its own. Then gently pour the mixture into a spray bottle and that's it your mixture is ready.

Spray the mixture on the plants as per requirement they will productively eliminate the gnats promoting good health for plants.

Avoid Killing Spiders

Spiders are frightening to many people while others don't get bothered by their presence. But then again spiders can be helpful for plants. They are a natural predator of flies that benefit the plants to get rid of flies easily without going through any hassle.

Harmful spiders are very rare to find in small gardens. It is better not to harm them or even fear them as they protect your plant in times of need by eliminating external threats. They may look harmful but they are beneficial to your garden and plants.

Take Advantage of an Electric Fan

Electric fans work wonderfully in keeping away the flies. The strong breeze makes it difficult for the flies to make their way into the air. The other insects would come to know about the strong breeze and make their way in the opposite direction avoiding roaming in the area of a strong breeze.

There are electric mosquito killers which you can also use to get rid of flies. They are specifically designed to keep insects, mosquitoes, and flies away from affecting plants, you can also make use of those to serve the purpose. Alternatively, you can simply place a standing fan also to keep away the flies and insects.

Place Matchsticks in Your Plants

Place Matchsticks in Your Plants

You may find this way a little out of the sight but trust me it is an effective way of addressing the infestation of flies. To make this work you just need to place matchsticks in your plants.

Position them in such a way that their head faces downwards and maintain a gap of 2 inches from the edge of the pot. You need to place several matchsticks in the above-mentioned position to achieve desirable results. 

After you place the matchsticks in the plants their heads will start dissolving after a certain moment. This will further release phosphorus, sulphur and magnesium into the soil destroying the gnats that are affecting plants' growth and other characteristics.

These matchsticks will act as a medium to transfer the essential minerals required by soil to defend themselves against these harmful gnats. The matchsticks will eventually dissolve while serving the purpose.

Replace them with a new series of matchsticks to protect your plant’s health. 

Opt for Insect Repelling Scents

Some scents make it difficult for flies to breathe in. Diffusing those scents is another effective way of keeping the flies away. One of those scents is clove. Keep a couple of cloves on a plate near plants and also on the dinner table to keep the flies away.

Other than clove, vodka is also effective in eliminating their presence. Fill several plastic bags with a quarter amount of vodka and hang them around plants to defend them against those poisonous insects and flies.

There is no need to invest in a pricey or good quality vodka to fulfil the purpose; cheap vodka would work wonderfully in fulfilling the purpose fruitfully.

Keeping Flies Away Using Cayenne Pepper

This pepper is particularly known for its excellent insect-repellent quality. To apply the pepper solution, you just need to mix one teaspoon of cayenne pepper with one cup of water in a spray bottle. As usual, shake them thoroughly to ensure their proper mixture then spray them near entryways and wherever you witness flies.

This spray actively deters insects and flies from the surroundings ensuring no contamination of food or harm to plant health. Other than this there are other natural fly repellents containing eucalyptus, lemongrass, and peppermint.

You do not always need to use these repellents in the form of spray only, you can also use them in the form of potpourris or essential oil formulas. Either way, they would work wonderfully and be at their best when it comes to pest control. Additionally, they will fill your surroundings with a pleasant smell to breathe into.

Consider Growing or Purchasing Venus Flytraps

Venus flytraps are known for getting rid of flies

Venus flytraps are known for getting rid of flies. They are a kind of carnivore that feeds on insects. They simply attract insects by disguising themselves in the form of other plants. Once the insect sits on them, they immediately trap the insect by closing itself around the insect.

They work wonderfully for in-house plants. When placed outside in the garden they may not perform as excellent as they perform inside but still can help in getting rid of those flies as much as possible.

After closing down they release a digestive fluid that further dissolves the insect then after about 10-12 days the plants open up to discard the skeleton of the trapped insect.

Avoid Standing Water to Prevent Any Fly Infestation

Flies are particularly fond of stagnant water for their living purpose. That is why you need to look out for puddles that might have formed because of rain. These puddles can even form under a leaking tap with the continuous accumulation of water.

You need to carefully look out for these puddles or hoses and work on them immediately to avoid an unnecessary crowd of flies or insects. 

Before implying these measures opt to clean the garden area properly to get the best out of these applications. It is okay not to feel confident in doing these chores all by yourself, you have got enough reasons to hire a professional gardener. They hold expertise in handling these situations with proper care.

Keeping Flies Away by Lighting Citronella Candles

This candle smells amazing but insects get annoyed with the smell. These candles are available in various sizes which makes it easier for you to choose the desired size that is ideal for your garden or indoor plants.

Other than insect repellent you can also use it to decorate your outdoors which will fill your garden with a soothing smell while restricting the pathway of flies too.

Just opt to light several citronella candles or a big one and place it in the middle of the patio. This will enhance the look of your garden diffusing a pleasant aroma all around while deterring external threats like flies.

Better yet, grow and fill your garden with Citronella plants to repel and keep flies away

Author Bio:

Hi, I’m Eleena Wills. Being a writer and blogger, I strive to provide informative and valuable articles to people. With quality, constructive, and well-researched articles, one can make informed choices.

I cover a wide range of topics, from home improvement to hair styling and automotive. You can follow me on Facebook & Twitter

Now You Know How to Get Rid of Flies Without Harming Your Plants

Fly infestation in the garden does not only affect plants but human beings too. Their size might not threaten your garden initially but their damaging effect can destroy your beautiful garden if not treated on time.

The above-discussed measures will help you to get rid of the infestation of flies in your garden. 

Last Updated on September 20, 2024

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About the author 

Gary Clarke

Hi, I'm Gary Clarke, gardening enthusiast and former landscaper. I have had privilege of sharing my gardening knowledge at Aussie Green Thumb since early 2020.

I have a passion for using native Australian plants in Aussie gardens and I always try to promote growing fruit trees and vegetable gardens whenever possible.

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