Muntries is an interesting plant. It can climb a trellis as easily as it can spread across ...
Kunzea pomifera (Muntries) – Australian Native Guide
This category is Medicinal Plants. Below is a list of our 6 latest posts.
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Kunzea pomifera (Muntries) – Australian Native Guide
Muntries is an interesting plant. It can climb a trellis as easily as it can spread across ...
Scaevola spinescens (Maroon Bush) Growing Guide
Maroon Bush, or the Prickly Fan Flower, is an entirely edible shrub, used for traditional treatments of ...
Curcuma australasica (Cape York Lily) Growing Guide
Out of more than one hundred flowering species of Curcuma (turmeric), Curcuma australasica is the only native ...
Mulberry Trees – How To Grow in Australia
Thinking about a mulberry tree might bring up a familiar childhood rhyme, or perhaps a box of ...
Lilly Pilly Plant | Australian Growing Guide
The Lilly Pilly plant is a fantastic tropical, ornamental native, with some varieties growing delicious little fruits. ...
Davidsonia (Davidson Plum Tree) | Australian Native Guide
Davidson plum is a splendid and special Australian native plant. This small to medium rainforest tree boasts ...
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