signature flavour makes it a staple in traditional bearnaise sauce, adding that zingy, liquorice kick to a ...

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Chives are a magnet for pollinators with their nectar-rich flowers. They’ll attract endless beneficial pollinating insects and ...

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There are so many different types of kale to choose from, and each and every variety of ...

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Kale has had a huge surge in popularity over the last decade, having previously fallen a little ...

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The charming and beguiling cushion bush makes for a wonderful addition to an Australian native garden. Leucophyta ...

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An esteemed bush tucker and one of my favourite garden ornamentals in the Myrtaceae family, Syzygium oleosum ...

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Native Australian wisteria is a beautiful ornamental climber with twining vines and unusually enticing flowers. It has ...

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Creeping thyme is a broad collection of species including wild thyme which typically flower at the beginning ...

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Prostanthera incisa is commonly named as the cut-leaf mint bush, referring to its slightly scalloped to pointed ...

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Cymbopogon ambiguus is more commonly known as Australian lemon-scented grass and is our own native lemongrass. Lemongrass ...

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Basil is actually not a basil at all, it’s in the mint family. Commonly named Five Spice ...

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