Eucalyptus globulus, commonly called the blue gum, gets its name from its distinctive and utterly unrivalled blue ...
Eucalyptus globulus (Tasmanian Blue Gum) Growing Guide
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Eucalyptus globulus (Tasmanian Blue Gum) Growing Guide
Eucalyptus globulus, commonly called the blue gum, gets its name from its distinctive and utterly unrivalled blue ...
Eucalyptus leucoxylon (White Ironbark) Growing Guide
Eucalyptus leucoxylon, yellow gum or white ironbark to most of us, is the hardiest red-flowered Eucalyptus you ...
Corymbia citriodora (Lemon Scented Gum) Growing Guide
Corymbia citriodora, better known as the Lemon Scented Gum, is an exceptionally ornamental tree from north-eastern Australia, ...
Snow Gum (Eucalyptus pauciflora) Growing Guide
One of my favourite native trees has to be the snow gum, Eucalyptus pauciflora. This pale-stemmed alpine ...
Eucalyptus camaldulensis (River Red Gum) Growing Guide
The river red gum, or Eucalyptus camaldulensis to be precise, is one of the simplest trees to ...
Yulan Magnolia (Magnolia denudata) Growing Guide
Cultivated globally but particularly well-loved in Australian gardens, it is an all-around stunner that is cherished for ...
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