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  • Acacia glaucoptera: Clay Wattle Growing Guide

Acacia glaucoptera: Clay Wattle Growing Guide

Acacia glaucoptera Plant Features

Acacia glaucoptera commonly called known as clay wattle and flat leaf wattle, is a native to Western Australia. It is a small wattle with an unusual habit. This plant has long serrated foliage that is a dark greeny, bluey colour that intensifies to a dark red at the tips, so this plant looks quite attractive even when it’s not in flower.


When Do Acacia glaucoptera Flower?

Clay wattle Acacia glaucoptera flowers over winter and has round yellow wattle type flowers that appear along the length of the long stems, so this plant will put on quite a display when at the height of its flowering.

I like Acacia glaucoptera not only because it is very drought tolerant but also because it is quite unusual in appearance and is rarely seen in gardens and nurseries. The other great feature of this spreading shrub little Acacia is that it has a fairly dense habit that only needs pruning if you want to control its size.

Where to Grow Clay Wattle?

Flat wattle should be grown in a well drained soil or a raised bed and planted in full sun or dappled shade. This plant also grows fairly quickly to about 1m, has a spreading habit and I reckon it’s pretty easy to grow. Acacia glaucoptera could also be pruned into a small informal hedge as well if desired.

Last Updated on January 28, 2024

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