Do you have enough space and want to have an exotic, tropical addition to your home garden? ...

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A few years ago I wrote a post on silver leaf plants to experiment with. It was an ...

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It is getting towards the time of year where you need to start thinking about pruning some ...

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Are you looking for natural ways to enhance your garden? Gabions are unique wire mesh containers filled ...

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There are over 250 known species in the genus Camellia, but the one most people think of ...

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Alyogyne huegelii, aka the Native Hibiscus, is a shrub that you see from time to time in ...

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Discovering Banksia seminudaBanksia seminuda, a little known Tree commonly known as river banksia that is under used ...

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Make your own Rain Barrel Rain Barrels are these days becoming very popular with gardeners as they ...

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Isopogon formosus is a plant that you probably won’t find in many plant nurseries. It is commonly ...

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Gardening in Clay Soil is often regarded as somewhat of a handicap by most gardeners, especially those ...

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Banksia oblongifolia, native to Queensland and New South Wales, is another Banksia that isn’t often seen in ...

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