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Adenanthos cuneatus ‘Coral Carpet’ – Growing Guide

Australia offers an incredible amount of ground cover options, each with unique characteristics, colours and flowers. The Adenanthos cuneatus ‘Coral Carpet’ is one such species that offers a low-maintenance, high-impact option for both inland and coastal gardens.

This curious plant, which resembles ocean wildlife, is a great ground cover that will add colour and texture to your garden. Here is what you’ll need to know to cultivate, care for and grow Adenanthos cuneatus ‘Coral Carpet’.


Adenanthos cuneatus Features

Family: Proteaceae
Genus: Adenanthos
Species: A. cuneatus
Common Name: Coastal Jug Flower
Flower Colour: Purple
Foliage Colour: Grey
Growth Habit: Shrub to 1m
Flowering: Spring, Summer, Autumn

Adenanthos Cuneatus

Adenanthos cuneatus form part of the Proteaceae family and can grow naturally along the south coast of Western Australia. Ideal for coastal gardens, the cultivar Adenanthos cuneatus ‘Coral Carpet’ produces intricate wedge-shaped, red and pink flowers, which will attract a range of nectar feeders to your garden. 

With a spreading, evergreen growth habit, cuneatus is a great choice for ground cover in courtyards, along the poolside or for any type of coastal garden. 

Other common names for Adenanthos cuneatus include: 

  • Flame Bush
  • Coastal Jug Flower

How to Grow Adenanthos cuneatus

adenanthos cuneatus is native to the South West of Western Australia

Source: Boyanupbotanical.com.au

Although it grows best in coastal conditions, this particular species can be cultivated inland and in containers. While it may not be an overly picky plant, it is important to ensure a few growing conditions for maximum growth and flower production. 

It is recommended to grow the coastal jug flower in a sunny or semi-shaded spot. The more daily sunlight, the higher the probability of flower growth.

Too much shade will result in poor growth. Try to choose a spot that receives at least 4 to 6 hours of direct sunlight per day. Cuneatus is easily adaptable and can grow in a range of soils with varying PH levels. 

More so, it is well adapted to grow in salty soils. Still, most gardeners recommend growing this species in well-draining, sandy or loam soils.

Propagating Adenanthos ‘Coral Carpet’

The most recommended way to grow Adenanthos ‘Coral Carpet’ is by means of cuttings. If available, you can simply take a cutting from an existing, healthy parent plant and plant into a rich growing medium to root. 

However, most gardeners recommend sourcing cuttings from a native garden nursery. This way, you will almost be guaranteed growth success. 

Propagating from seed is also possible. However, it is a lot more difficult. Seeds can be found inside the small fruits, which are not often produced by this cultivar. More so, seeds can take up to 2 years to germinate. 

How to Care for Adenanthos ‘Coral Carpet’

How to Grow Adenanthos Coral Carpet

Source: Nativ.com.au

As we’ve mentioned, this species is all about low maintenance. Once established, it will require little care and attention. After planting, coastal jug flower plants should be watered as much as 2 to 3 times per week. 

Once new growth begins to appear, you can cut back on watering completely. It’s vital to remember that this is a drought-tolerant species, so often, less is more. Especially if grown in humid areas. 

Should you notice discolouration or drooping foliage, this is usually a sign of overwatering. Try to ensure a well-draining growing medium to avoid waterlogging. 

Coastal jug flowers also require very little pruning. It can, however, be trimmed occasionally to help control growth and shape so be sure to use the right pruning shears for the job. Pruning should be done after the flowering season in spring and summer. 

It is also recommended to support your cuneatus with some added nutrients by means of a slow-release fertiliser. A low-phosphate fertiliser is ideal and should be added annually.

Adenanthos cuneatus ‘Coral Carpet’ Potential Problems

The coastal jug flower is a fairly carefree plant. While it will attract a range of nectar feeders like butterflies and birds to your garden, it’s not susceptible to any major pests or diseases. 

What is important to note is that this species is susceptible to Cinnamon Fungus. Cinnamon fungus or dieback is a major issue concerning much of Australia’s wildlife. 

This fungus is incredibly contagious and will result in the death of your plants. Should you suspect your Adenanthos ‘Coral Carpet’ to have cinnamon fungus, it is essential to remove the entire plant from your garden and destroy it. 

More so, it is not recommended to take cuttings from wild-growing plants as you may risk bringing cinnamon fungus back to your garden. Rather source your cuttings from a licensed nursery that can guarantee plant safety.

Adenanthos cuneatus Frequently Asked Questions 

When do Adenanthos cuneatus flower?

This native shrub can flower throughout the year but most prolifically from August to November. 

How fast does Adenanthos cuneatus grow?

This species is considered slow-growing, reaching its full height of around 2 metres tall and wide after about two seasons. 

Does Adenanthos cuneatus spread?

Yes. This shrub is known to have an upright yet spreading or weeping habit up to about 2 metres with evergreen foliage. 

Adenanthos Cuneatus Australian Guide What You Need to Know

Start Growing Adenanthos cuneatus Coral Carpet’ today!

Looking for some partner plants? Consider some of the Adenanthos species to add some variety to your garden. You can find our growing guides here: 

So, there you have it—everything you need to know to grow this incredible native cultivar in your garden.

Be sure to give your cuneatus plenty of sunlight and keep an eye on your soil to make sure it’s draining. Otherwise, your Adenanthos cuneatus can be left to continue to grow happily within your garden.

Last Updated on February 22, 2024

Written by: Aussie Green Thumb
Last Updated: January 22, 2023

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About the author 

Aussie Green Thumb

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