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Hakea myrtoides | Growing + Care Guide Australia

Last week I featured the Hakea bucculenta, this week I’ll be looking at the Hakea myrtoides.


Hakea myrtoides Features

Genus: Hakea
Species: H. myrtoides
Family: Proteaceae
Common Name: Myrtle Hakea
Flower Colour: Shade of red/pink
Foliage Colour: Green
Growth Habit: Shrub to 0.5m
Flowering: Winter to Spring

This is a great example of a smaller species of Hakea that you could add to your garden.

Growing Hakea myrtoides

Growing Myrtle Hakea

This species stays nice and low, growing to around about half a metre in height to a metre at most, and has prolific flowers which makes it a fantastic shrub to plant in and around some of your bigger growing shrubs or feature plants.

This Hakea species can be difficult to grow and requires a dry climate, so is not a good choice for sub tropical or tropical regions.

It is endemic to Perth but can even struggle to grow there if Perth experiences a more humid than normal summer, so anywhere that regularly experiences humidity is probably not a good location.

It also requires very well draining soil for it to thrive, but if you can get the right conditions, this species is a very good choice. I really like the shape of the flowers and the colour contrast between these particular greens and red/pinks. 

Below are more Hakea growing guides to choose from: 

Possibly a variety for the more brave to try and grow, but why not learn by trying!

Last Updated on February 26, 2024

Written by: Aussie Green Thumb
Last Updated: August 26, 2021

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About the author 

Aussie Green Thumb

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