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  • Garden Wall Art: Adding Creativity to Your Outdoor Space

Garden Wall Art: Adding Creativity to Your Outdoor Space

Garden wall art adds a brand-new dimension to high-end garden design. Where garden decoration has previously been, for the most part, limited to benches, fountains, and waterfalls, now there is a growing trend toward decorating the walls of a garden as well.

There are many different, unique ways to decorate your garden’s walls but it’s important that your decorations add to the beauty of your garden and don’t take away or distract from it. Here are a few ideas.


Different Types of Garden Wall Art

Vertical Garden Wall Art

Vertical gardening, also known as living wall art, is a great way to beautifully decorate your vacant garden wall spaces while continuing to go green and adding to the relaxing feel of your atmosphere. Vertical gardens can be obtained or built in many different sizes and shapes. They can even be themed to fit in with the premise of the rest of your garden.

If you are a plant lover, you probably already have plants almost everywhere. Garden wall art allows you to add to your beautiful collection while conquering the final frontier for your plants – the vertical spaces of your garden.

If you aren’t yet a plant lover but are looking for the latest in design trends for your garden, garden wall art is currently heavily in vogue. Vertical gardening not only adds colour and life to your vertical spaces, but it makes a statement about your cultured tastes and love for our planet.

And after a while of living with the amazing growth and striking beauty that garden wall art brings to your life, you just may fall in love with your plants after all.

Metal Garden Wall Art

Metal Garden Wall Art

Metal garden wall art also blends in well with most gardens. Metal wall hangings and sculptures are widely available and can be installed without much hassle. The great thing about metal garden wall art is that it is highly resistant to extreme outdoor temperatures and will not be permanently ruined by moisture.

Metal wall art is also easy to clean and polish. Burnished steel and coppers look great as a background to dark green plants, while darker metals provide a beautiful contrast to plants with lighter colours.

Steel is a very inexpensive metal that is used to make a wide variety of garden wall art. The natural colour and texture of the steel often blends in well with most gardens, although it can also be painted any colour you desire.

Garden wall art made from recycled steel products is also a gorgeous addition to most gardens. Old bicycles or oil drums can be mounted on the garden wall as art, as well as ancient tricycles and old garden tools.

Concrete Garden Wall Art

Concrete garden wall art is a great option for rustic-looking gardens. Concrete goes well with a huge variety of plants and can be an elegant and unobtrusive addition to your garden wall.

Ceramic Garden Wall Art

Ceramic Garden Wall Art

Ceramic art is another beautiful way to decorate your garden wall. Ceramic wall art usually comes in bright, cheerful colours and is usually best suited to warmer weather. Combining a ceramic wall sculpture with a garden mirror can create some of the most amazing effects as nature is reflected onto the beautiful artwork.

If you are planning to use a mirror to decorate your garden wall, make sure to buy one that is made from treated glass, suitable for outdoor use. Acrylic mirrors can usually withstand the harsh outdoors better than normal glass.

Using Wall Lights Artistically

Wall lights are a beautiful way to attract attention to your garden after dark. Although they come in many different unique themes, two major categories for wall lights are traditional and modern. Use whichever of these is more suitable to the overall look of your garden.

If you have no idea what to use, iron lanterns generally blend in well with most gardens. The handy thing about wall lights in a garden is that they can serve a functional purpose as well as their beautification end. They can also highlight your other garden wall art, allowing it to be seen at nighttime.

Explore our list of creative garden wall ideas for more inspiration.

Last Updated on December 20, 2023

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About the author 

Gary Clarke

Hi, I'm Gary Clarke, gardening enthusiast and former landscaper. I have had privilege of sharing my gardening knowledge at Aussie Green Thumb since early 2020.

I have a passion for using native Australian plants in Aussie gardens and I always try to promote growing fruit trees and vegetable gardens whenever possible.

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