The fig tree has been cultivated since ancient times and is now grown throughout the world for ...

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Whether you’re building or demolishing a structure, concrete saws are one of those tools that you just ...

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Any plant that has the word ‘moonlight’ in the name such as the Grevillea ‘Moonlight’, evokes a ...

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Outdoor kitchens have come on in leaps and bounds in recent years, but there’s nothing like finding ...

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You can make light work of removing concrete, plaster and brick, or even chisel through timber with ...

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Australia is no stranger to the sun, and in summer our backyards can become overbearingly hot. For ...

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Chainsaw chains rust, wear, and become blunt with age, and many gardeners just give up and buy ...

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Amaranthus are a fascinating plant, often thought to be an Australian native thanks to their vivid tropical ...

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Rosemary is grown for its fragrance and flavour in equal measure but despite coming from a relatively ...

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There is nothing more impactful in a garden than water. Whether it’s a swimming pool and fish ...

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