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Boronia pinnata | Growing + Care Guide Australia

Last week I featured the Boronia egastigma, this week I am featuring the Boronia pinnata.


Introducing Boronia pinnata 

Genus: Boronia
Species: B. pinnata
Family: Rutaceae
Flower Colour: Pink (White varieties available)
Foliage Colour: Green
Growth Habit: Shrub to 1.5m
Flowering: Spring

Growing Boronia pinnata

The Boronia pinnata is a native species that is found very commonly in New South Wales, generally found in areas where sandstone is prevalent. It is a hardy variety that comes mostly in pink but is also available with white coloured flowers.

Like many Boronia species, the Boronia pinnata is best grown in slightly shaded area’s. It does like well draining soils but, at the same time, does like to remain moist (just not over the top wet).

Boronia pinnata Plant

This species grows best in a temperate climate, though some people have suggested it will handle mild cold and even mildly tropical zones. This is relatively unsubstantiated however.

The Boronia pinnata is great for use as a cut flower but is often sometimes used for the sweet, aromatic scent provided when the flowers and leaves are crushed and as such is sometimes used to make perfumes. 

If you can't get enough of Boronia plants, look into Boronia ‘Telopea Valley Star’ and Boronia fraseri

Boronia pinnata is also often grown well in a pot. Because it can be susceptible to the hot sun and/or strong winds, growing it in a pot enables you to move it around the garden if need be.

Last Updated on February 26, 2024

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Aussie Green Thumb

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