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Boronia fraseri | Growing + Care Guide Australia

Last week I featured the Boronia pinnata, this week I am featuring the Boronia fraseri.


Boronia fraseri Australia Native Plant

This is a slightly more obscure species of the Boronia genus. It grows and looks much like many other species, but generally doesn’t succeed as well as a garden plant, making it less desirable for most native growers.

Because of this there is actually very little information available about how to grow it. However, I don’t just want to advocate easy plants to grow, I want to provide my readers with some challenging plants.

Genus: Boronia
Species: B. fraseri
Family: Rutaceae
Common Name: Fraser’s Boronia
Flower Colour: Pink
Foliage Colour: Green
Growth Habit: Shrub to 2m
Flowering: Spring

Growing Boronia Fraseri

Growing Fraser’s Boronia

If you like a medium challenge, I believe the Boronia fraseri will be a good one for you. For best results with this species, plant it in a good loam soil which is well draining. Boronia fraseri definitely prefers a part shade location and grows best in temperate to cool climates, reportedly being able to handle mild frost conditions.

Also see our guide on Boronia megastigma and Boronia telopea. Why not give Boronia fraseri a go and let me know how it goes!

Last Updated on February 26, 2024

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Aussie Green Thumb

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