Black tips on banksia leaves


Aussie Green Thumb Forums Growing Forum Native plants Black tips on banksia leaves

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  • #54193
    Avatar of Sam BennettSam Bennett

    I planted a dwarf Banksia in my front garden last spring, and while it’s growing well, some of the leaves have blackened edges. Any thoughts why this is happening?

    Avatar of Nathan SchwartzNathan Schwartz

    Hey Sam,

    Blackened leaf edges on your dwarf Banksia could be caused by a few things. If you’ve had any cold snaps, frost damage is a possibility, especially if the plant was still establishing itself over winter.

    Overwatering or poor drainage can also stress the roots, leading to leaf discolouration. Banksias prefer well-draining soil, so if the area stays damp for too long, that could be a factor.

    Another common cause is fertiliser. Banksias are sensitive to phosphorus, so if you’ve used a general-purpose fertiliser, consider switching to one specifically formulated for Australian natives.

    Salt build-up from bore water or coastal exposure can also cause browning edges. If the blackening is spreading, it could indicate fungal or root issues.

    If the new growth is looking healthy, I wouldn’t be too concerned, but keeping an eye on drainage and ensuring you’re using the right fertiliser should help keep your Banksia thriving. Let me know how it goes!



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