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  • How To Select Granny Flat Builders in Australia

How To Select Granny Flat Builders in Australia

Choosing the right granny flat builders from the word go is important because the building process can become expensive with inexperienced builders.

So you have now decided that you will erect a granny flat that will host your parents or even your kids that have become of age? 


There are a lot of things that come into play from the planning, approvals, the building process up to the furnishing of the flat. You want a building that will serve the purpose by making the occupant(s) feel comfortable.

Let us discuss some of the things to consider when selecting a granny flat building company

Granny Flat Design Options Available

There are thousands of designs to choose from when one wants to build a granny flat. A flat builder that limits you to one or two designs denies you the chance to become creative and get a structure that suits your needs and taste.

You have to consider the building codes and restrictions in your area before you select the best design. The design that you choose will determine the raw materials needed, time, and money that you will spend on this house.

You must also consider the orientation of your property and space when selecting the best design for this structure. The ideal granny flat is one that complements the other buildings and structures within your compound.

The design should also enable you to make the best out of your backyard as well as other areas such as your balcony or a small garden pond. You do not want to end up with a flat that looks misplaced within your compound.

Compare different designs from different companies against what they charge and the time they take to deliver.

Flat Builders' Punctuality and Reliability

How much time do you need to get a complete granny flat? Will there be breaks in between? Can the builder deliver on time? These are some of the questions that should ring on your mind before you settle on the ideal granny flat builder.

You should look for a building company that will take the shortest time possible while at the same time, delivers a quality project.

There are some cases where you may get a pre-constructed granny flat. Always inquire about how long it will take for the company to deliver such a structure.

You can always get a rough idea about the company’s reliability from online reviews from their social media platforms and its website.

You should plan with your builder on the timeframes as this allows you to source for funds that will take the projection to completion.

Granny Flat Builders Specialisation

Granny Flat Builder Design

Source: grannyflatbuilders-sydney.com.au

There are different players in the construction industry. Some will promise to fulfill your every building needs, which may sound convenient. However, these are the kind of builders who will come up with generic designs as they do not get enough time to focus on a certain area.

Desist from contracting jack-of-all-trades as they will most likely mess up your project. Some granny flat builders work as an extension of a building company.

Such an approach may not be desirable as there can be confusion in processes such as approval and paperwork when you deal with a company that tackles different construction tasks.

A company dedicated to granny flat construction understands this area in detail. You are assured that the company is always on the lookout for the latest trends in this area.

Such a builder may have a network with other builders who they can link you up with when you need other services. They can also help you in designing what type of fence to use. 

Presence of Qualified and Reliable Suppliers

Your granny flat builder will sometimes have to source for various materials that they need for your project. The reliability of the suppliers will have a direct impact on the smoothness and delivery of your project.

You can always inquire about the suppliers as it helps in planning. An honest building company will always highlight where it gets its supplies because its reputation is also at stake.

The quality of the materials from the suppliers is also something that you should consider. Low priced quotes may indicate that the building company is getting low-quality supplies.

However, some companies may get their supplies directly from the manufacturers. The ideal builder is one that uses suppliers that have a good reputation.

Make sure that the builder has a qualified and licenced Level 2 Electrician to handle connecting a new meter and electricity to the granny flat.

Home Warranty Insurance

Flat Builder Kitchen Design

Source: grannyflatbuilders-sydney.com.au

There are a lot of things that can go wrong when you allow someone to work on your property. Building insurance is beneficial to you and the builder as well.

It is an assurance that you or the builder will be compensated if something goes wrong during the building process. Different risks can be insured depending on your country and needs.

Analyse your duties and responsibilities and those of the builder to ensure that your claims are always valid. 

Analyse the conditions that may be stipulated in the insurance cover and always seek clarification if there are some areas that you do not understand.

Flat Builder's Transparency and Communication

Construction of a granny flat may take weeks or even months. You need to communicate consistently with the builder to ensure that everything runs as expected.

You need to highlight how you want the project to run and what you expect from the builder. The time that the builder takes to respond when you reach out for the first time will indicate what you should expect when you finally hire the company. 

You should agree on the modes of communication that you will use during the engagement period. There should also be transparency on the fees that you will incur during this engagement period. 

The ideal building company will lay all the estimates of the entire project to help you in budgeting. There should be no room for hidden fees and unexplainable charges during the construction process. 

Concluding What To Look For in a Granny Flat Builder

The granny flat builder should also be someone that you can trust with plants such as trees that you have in your compound. Adding garden feature trees would surely add beauty to your flat. 

We always need to protect our home or granny flat so once you are all set, be sure to read our home protection tips during severe weather. Getting the ideal granny flat builder is not that hard when you consider the above factors. 

Take your time to check reviews and portfolios of different potential flat builders. Be open-minded as well as cautious to note some red flags when selecting the ideal company. 

Last Updated on September 3, 2024

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About the author 

Gary Clarke

Hi, I'm Gary Clarke, gardening enthusiast and former landscaper. I have had privilege of sharing my gardening knowledge at Aussie Green Thumb since early 2020.

I have a passion for using native Australian plants in Aussie gardens and I always try to promote growing fruit trees and vegetable gardens whenever possible.

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