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  • How to Prepare Garden for Selling House or Rental Inspection

How to Prepare Garden for Selling House or Rental Inspection

Most of us have spent at least some time renting a house where the landlord expected regular rental inspections or have sold a house. The closer the date came the more our throats would become parched, knees begin to knock wilder than a deserted saloon door and our bodies tighten stiffer than a stick insect resigned to rigor mortis. It drove fear into the heart of every member in the family.


I would get the outdoors assignment, which suited me fine, but looking after a rental garden is hardly a dream come true – if you know what I mean. I didn’t want to spend a fortune keeping someone else’s asset ship-shape but then again I did want to leave our rental having improved it somehow.

Preparing Garden for Selling House or Rental Inspection

So I devised a mental checklist that assisted me in the garden before our rental inspection became due. Here are some things that I put in place:

1. Mow the lawns 2 days prior 

Mowing before a selling or rental house inspection

If you mow it on the day, or even a day before, brown spots will show because where you cut it probably hasn’t seen the light of day for a few weeks. Mowing it two days before will give you a chance to water it twice (each day) before the inspection and allow some green to come back.

If you mow it out of its growing season, raise the height of the blades so that you are only cutting the very tips of the lawn.

2. Effortlessly rid the garden beds of weeds  

Weed killers will become your new best friends, especially if couch grass has invaded the beds. Spray the weeds one week out from your inspection and they should have started to die back in time. You can use a weed puller to easily remove the weeds.

3. Mulch your garden beds  

Mulch is the perfect weed suppressant for most weeds. It won’t halt couch but most of your other insidious plants will be stopped dead in their tracks. Plus, landscape mulch can often be sourced for free, or very cheaply.

4. Plant some cheap annuals  

:andlords always like to see renters who take a little initiative when looking after the gardens. For $20 you could easily add some colour into the garden without too much effort. Snapdragons, pansies, petunias are great colour additions that will brighten the most drab garden beds.

5. Invest in some containers and hanging baskets  

Moving plants in hanging baskets before a house selling or rental inspection

Mobile gardening is the mantra of gardeners who rent. You can instantly increase your garden without having to spend money on someone else’s property. Start gardening in containers and hanging baskets and you will be able to enhance the owner’s property while you rent but take it all with you when you leave.

6. Buy yourself a garden vacuum  

Keeping paths and driveways neat and tidy is one expectation that a landlord will have upon inspection. You could manually sweep it with a broom, show your eco ignorance by hosing it down with precious water, or vacuum them with one of the many power blower vacs available.

On vacuum setting, you could even keep the plant materials – leaves and twigs – for composting.

7. Prune some of your bigger plants

For the renter who does gardening out of necessity rather than has a passion for it, this task may seem really daunting. The rule of thumb is this; If it’s flowering, leave it alone. If it’s dead, rip it out. Otherwise, prune it back by a third.

If you stick to this you shouldn’t have too many problems and your plants will love you for it. This checklist should keep you in good stead with the landlord and make your rental inspection a breeze. Here’s to passing it with flying colours.

Last Updated on November 3, 2023

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About the author 

Nathan Schwartz

Hey, I'm Nathan Schwartz, team member at Aussie Green Thumb since 2020. I have a passion for edible plants and Australian native plants, both in the garden and in the Aussie bush.

As an avid traveller and camper, I love seeing the different landscapes and flora that Australia has to offer, and try to incorporate this into my own daily living.

Whether I am living on the road, in an apartment or have a big backyard working with practical and usable gardens in small spaces is my specialty.

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