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Verticordia monadelpha | Growing and Care Guide Australia

For the month of April I will be taking a look at 4 different varieties of the Australian Native Plant called the Verticordia. I was introduced to the Verticordia when I lived on Verticordia St in Greenwood, Western Australia.

The owners of the house had planted a number of varieties in their front garden and they looked absolutely magnificent. I actually overhauled their garden while I was there, adding even more varieties. The Verticordia is a fantastic Australian Native Plant.

Here is the first variety for April:


Verticordia monadelpha Features

Genus: Verticordia
Species: V. monadelpha
Family: Myrtaceae
Common Name: Woolly Featherflower, White woolly featherflower
Flower Colour: Pink
Foliage Colour: Green
Growth Habit: Shrub to 50cm
Flowering: Spring, Summer

Verticordia monadelpha has the most delightful little pink flowers which bunch together to form beautiful clumps

The Verticordia monadelpha has the most delightful little pink flowers which bunch together to form beautiful clumps. When in full flower this Verticordia really stands out. As a smaller shrub it can work really well planted around a central specimen plant.

How to Grow Verticordia monadelpha

White woolly feather flower works very well planted in front of a slightly larger growing shrub to help cover a wall or other various objects you might be trying to hide. This species is a pretty hardy little plant that prefers to grow in sandy or gravel based soils. 

It is native to Western Australia and grows best on the West Coast but there has been growing success by gardeners who have started to plant it on the East Coast.

Verticordia monadelpha is increasingly being used as part of formal floral decorations. A great choice for your garden.

Other Verticordia species:

Last Updated on February 26, 2024

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About the author 

Aussie Green Thumb

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  1. It’s a beauty … I’ve never heard of these at all. Don’t suppose they would survive up here in the tropics.

  2. At this stage I believe they would struggle in the tropics HOWEVER I read somewhere they are working on a hybrid of this (and many other WA natives) specifically for tropical weather. So perhaps in time!

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