If you’re one of those gardeners who just leave hoses sprawled out across the garden for weeks ...

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Lawns aren’t difficult to maintain, but they do take time and patience. With a few simple systems, ...

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Watering cans might seem simple, but you can go wrong. Galvanised watering cans, for example, look beautiful, ...

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Soaker hoses are probably the most important garden accessory you never knew you needed. The vast majority ...

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It’s easy to get overwhelmed by irrigation systems, so we’ve put together this guide on irrigation kits, and ...

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Australia’s sun is a blessing and a curse to us gardeners, so finding new and innovative solutions ...

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When it comes to reticulation, Perth is one of the biggest markets in Australia, so how do ...

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Rainwater harvesting is an environmentally friendly practice and a great way to cut down on the cost ...

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All gardeners face the problem of watering their plants. Depending on the region you live and what ...

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